What happened in Spain, it’s happening in the USA

Fraud elections are not new but in 2020 the evidences are getting out to the light in USA. What are going to explain here, happened in my country Spain.

August 2014: Scytl closes $ 104 million to accelerate the growth of its electronic voting platform. Scytl was a Spanish company that went to bankrupt… Their headquarter was in Barcelona (Spain).

I’m not very fan about politicians but at this moment is the time to show all the evidences about what happened.

More evidences

First the company Indra reached a fraudulent contract for the elections, for November 2019, without going to any public contest in October 2019.

Indra, right now, is denying any “link” with that fraud on US elections.

Inside Indra company, the best friend of our Spanish president, Pedro Sanchez, is managing the company who manipulates the election results. Dominion is the US version and both has the same link with a server network in Germany who also influenced on Bolivia & Venezolan elections interfering on the results in favor of communism or dictatorship. Fraud elections was made in Cuba & Venezuela.

We have the luck that we don’t use any ballot machine. We use the traditional ballot.

Also Indra interfered on Basque country & Galician’s elections recently on the fraud.

The fraud was committed along 20 years by Indra although they denie it.

If you don’t know, in Spain, Pedro Sanchez is a “facade” because really Pablo Iglesias is managing our government to stablish another Venezuela.

VOX, a Spanish political party, made a court demand vs the government about the fraud of elections but also a citizen platform made also one on court but, as you know, the “Black hand” of our Spanish GA Dolores Delgado influences on blocking any court demand who is vs the Spanish government.

Dolores Delgado was first the Spanish minister of justice & them, when Pedro Sanchez “won” the second general elections, she changed to be actually our GA. She was “defending” the independence of justice when is a huge lie as you know hiding all the court demands.

But this is not all. We had two General Elections…

On April 28th 2020 somebody made a fraud complaint of ballots in the court from general spanish elections.

It was admitted but zero answer as you know.

VOX announced that it is going to demand the review of the scrutiny throughout Spain after the appearance of tens of thousands of invalid ballots as happened in US elections but nothing happened.

Pedro Sanchez tried to form a government but didn’t succeed so he called elections again

We went to November 10th 2019 for general elections again in Spain.

On November 13th 2019, Santiago Abascal (VOX) asked to Pedro Sanchez that he should resigns by electoral fraud.

"They will ask to challenge the 10N electoral result for an alleged fraud in the count"

So the Spanish citizen platform presented, in the same day that Santiago asked to Pedro Sanchez for his resign, a court demand

On January 2020, a judge admitted the court demand by electoral fraud but as I say, GA Dolores Delgado is blocking the investigation.

But this is not new… In Spain, 2015: “The botched scrutiny in Spain annuls the principle of 'one person, one vote”

So it means that anybody can vote more than once in general elections to comitte fraud elections as it happen with an American guy who told on Facebook that he voted 29 times to Biden.

So, when we were in elections, on November 2019, VOX was leading the elections when suddenly more ballots in mail coming mysteriously. 1.600.000 moreless from death people on both general elections who voted by mail as it’s happened in US elections.

How could this happen? Easy! There is a video from a man that told that he voted in the post office but no one asked for his ID.

Inside our Spanish postal service (Correos), and again, a nearest friend of Pedro Sanchez is managing it.

So… as I said… anybody can vote more times to the same political party. That way it came the fraud! Because it’s very hard to do it in person unless you manipulate the electoral lists to be able to vote & had a friend who turn a blind eye and you can put more than one ballot in the ballot box without anyone noticing. If anyone asks, you have an excuse to tell that anyone is illness at home & you come to vote with a fake authorization.

So, in resume what happened in Spanish elections:

680.000 more for PSOE & Podemos (from fake ballots)

520.000 less for PP, Cs & VOX (missing?)

They stolen the elections!

Ignacio Vargas is from this  association or citizen platform who put the court demand vs the spanish goverment on the election fraud on nov 2019

Here are evidences of Indra in Zaragoza (Spain) but not the only one spanish city who has election fraud on Nov 2019

Here is another court demand in Valladolid with the same reason which exposes “Congenital and endemic anomalies of the ELECTORAL PROCESS, which regulates "LOREG". The accumulation of crimes that curtail and violate the LAW with "impunity" is terrifying. They denounce in Valladolid for alleged manipulation, in the CERA count”

Also in Navarra happened… but they got caught.

Here, the final result of spanish elections on Nov 2019 which shows the fraud.

And here, the spanish algorithm! on both election fraud in April & Nov 2019

Finally, some spanish citizens, who lives in foreign countries, did not have the right to vote on both general elections on April & Nov 2019

Don't miss the next post: "The most fraudulent multnational company: Indra"


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