The most fraudulent multinational company: INDRA

On the last post about “What happened in Spain, it’s happening in the USA”, I spoke about fraud elections. Now it’s time to update with more information regarding the Spanish multinational company called Indra.

Indra’s CEO, Fernando Abril-Martorell, got the presidency by the help of the Spanish government, on April 2015, after forcing the departure of Monzón illegaly as you know.

Fernando is an expert in doing dirty work in times of crisis. The same thing closes a business, sells a subsidiary, pilots an IPO or refinances a set of loans. But his specialty is restructuring, laying off and turning large companies upside down to save them from demise or bankruptcy. Nobody probably has a track record like yours. See here for more information

He's not a clean wheat.

More information about the layoffs & the letter from Indra's CEO

A final degree project found on internet, shows the INDRA's intentions to accoplish the 2030's agenda to destroy our democracy, freedoms, privacy & rights as we know it.

But this is not the only company that our Spanish government has an agreement. Here you can find more who’re agreeing to accomplish the digital agenda including Amazon.

But let this on one side… because I’m going to speak about what happened with the agreement with Airbus & Indra.

On July 30th 2020 Pedro Sanchez, our Spanish president, had a meeting with Airbus to keep the employment in Spain.

But, on 2018, Pedro Sanchez, from behind, made an agreement with an US company called “Fidelity” who also belongs to Indra for our army.

So, in September of 2019, when Airbus knew that the Spanish government broke the agreement with Airbus about making the Eurofighter & Rafale fighters to allow Indra to make an alternative aircraft called “FCAS” they got very angry.

So that’s the reason where on July 2020 toke the meeting it's to try to “calm down” Airbus & avoid massive layoffs on the three Airbus's factories in Puerto Real (Cadiz), Seville & Getafe (Madrid) because they are already damage with all the A380’s order cancellations because the A380 has high costs of maintenance & operative.

But, in revenge, Airbus hires a former Rodriguez Zapatero position to continue pressuring the Government because Pedro Sanchez choose Indra

Finally, the spanish treasury minister (Mª Jesus Montero) takes control of Indra from Defense and will relieve the PP advisers on 2018

Also this is not only one case of Indra’s fraud, also some life jackets in Galicia (Spain)didn’t reach the security approval because they had a lot of security issues & manufacturing defects. All were developed by the same company.

On 2018, Indra got a contract for the Basque Country (Spain) to “develop” a study and definition of new mechanisms for identifying, attracting, retaining and developing the necessary talent for the future of the industry ecosystem that cost almost 116.000 €. Was it finally developed? Nope. So Spanish government gifted the money.

Spanish government likes to “plug” nearest friends as it shows on this final degree project. So you can see more people who’s working for Indra. And also to commit fraud to choose the new CEO in Indra allowing all stockholders the right for two votes.

Let’s go back about fraud elections…

On 2014, The spanish Government awards INDRA the scrutiny of the European elections for 13million

On 2019, Indra signed a substantial agreement with BERIGALE, a subsidiary of DOMINION.

On April 2019, spanish police paid a million for useless 'software'… that come from Indra

On 2020, Two officials discover 'fake' payments from the Aguirre's Government to Indra for another 2.5 M to commit electoral fraud

And the most important news its that in Dominican Republic: Dominican electoral bodyrules out use of INDRA equipment in upcoming elections. They rejected Indra's voting system because they didn't trust on them.

That all are the most important evidences wherewith the intentions of the Spanish multinational company INDRA is committing fraud on elections as it happened in Spain on April & Nov 2019.

Indra, also as Sctyl, has ties to Dominion. Read here.



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